Thursday, January 6, 2011

The Secrets People Keep

   The secret of Romeo and Juliet's wedding was kept by Nurse and Friar Lawrence. This is both a positive and a negative thing. It would be positive thing for Nurse and Friar Lawrence to keep this critical secret because if Romeo and Juliet are truly in true love, then it is likely that nothing will stop them from marrying anyway. If it is something to that is too big that could potentially ruin Romeo's and Juliet's life, it would be too risky to allow them to take such a big step.

   Nurse's job is a pretty big burden; she has to take care of a child. It just so happens that the child she is taking care of is marrying in secret. I fully support Nurse's decision to keep this important secret and help Romeo and Juliet with their true love secret. The only negative thing for Nurse to keep the secret, is that if her masters figured out that she knew about the wedding and didn't tell them, she would be fired.

   The actions the Nurse took to help with the wedding were very risky. She walked all over town looking for Romeo. This was because if Juliet was seen with Romeo, her secret would have been exposed. Nurse finally found Romeo hanging around with his friends, who were hung over from the Capulet party. They treated Nurse very poorly. They pointed swords at her, flipped her dress over, and finally she told them that she had a message from Juliet. This made Romeo banish them from the premises. She told him of the message, and Romeo told Nurse of the place for Juliet to meet him to get married. Someone who would do all of that for someone, is definitely someone to trust.

   Friar Lawrence was thinking that the news of Romeo's and Juliet's marriage would end the family feud between the Capulets and the Montagues. This inspired Friar Lawrence to carry on with the marriage of Romeo and Juliet. The action Friar Lawrence took to keep this secret was very noble because he did not want the secret to get out that he married these two people without their parents' consent. He did this anyway because doing something for someone should be about that person, not about you. Friar Lawrence could have even lost HIS job for Romeo and Juliet. Monks are vowed never to keep or tell secrets that people trust him to keep.

After the deed is done we can all say that Nurse and Friar Lawrence went out of their way to help two lovers with their destiny. Both of their actions took a big risk of losing their jobs, and a little breaking of vows, but it was for a good cause! Romeo and Juliet definitely caused some stress for Nurse and Friar Lawrence, but all in all this made two people happy forever!

1 comment:

  1. Rebecca - love the title of your blog and your image. Also, your response is very well-developed and organized. Don't forget to include specific citations from the text to support your opinions. Also, make sure you are reading my blog prompts carefully to avoid overlooking certain requirements!
