Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Romeo and Juliet Continued

The worst thing that's ever happened to me? I don't know, probably when I found out my mistress was dead, along with her life long lover. Nothing will ever be the same without Juliet; she was my life. The only thing for me to do now is to carry on with my life. Lord Capulet banished me from his dwelling for keeping the secret of the lovers' secret wedding. It relieved me so much to hear that I was never going to enter the home again; the house would only remind me of Juliet. Had Lord Capulet let me stay, I would weep ever time I saw something that reminded me of her. This is not a good idea because most everything reminds me of Juliet now.

The most terrible thing that ever happened in my lifetime? Maybe when I had the insane idea that I could get the two lovers, Romeo and Juliet, to run away with each other to Mantua. I told Juliet to drink a heavy sleeping potion to get out of a marriage she didn't want. Everyone thought she was dead; I sent a letter to Romeo to go and get Juliet from the graveyard. Unfortunately, this letter was postponed from being sent. Romeo heard the news about Juliet's supposed death and when to die with her. Juliet woke up to find her only love in the entire world dead right beside her tomb. She was so devastated that she killed herself with Romeo's dagger. I can only help but think that this is all my fault. Now I am banished from Verona, and I am roaming the streets of Mantua. I feel empty without Verona, the town in which I grew up. It is where I worshiped God for half my life. I can't let it go, but I have to.

My daughter is dead. My wife is dead. I have nothing. These were the only people in my life who gave me joy. There is nothing I can do, I am all alone with the rest of my servants, none of whom I can call my family. I told Nurse to never come back to my dwelling for a good reason. She let Juliet get married to my former enemy. Now I know I shouldn't have banished her; I wish I could find her and tell her to come back. She is the person who knew Juliet best. All I can do now is hope that Juliet has forgiven me from forcing her to marry someone she didn't really love.

This picture shows that Juliet was depressed that her only love in the world had killed himself.
It was her fate to kill herself along with her husband and only joy.

Vocabualry Terms-
Apprehend- Arrest; For a crime

Canopy- Something hung up or held up over something

Comtempt- In a state of peace and happiness

Disperse- Distribute or spread over a large area

Inexorable- Impossible to stop or prevent

Interred- Place in a grave or a tomb

Penury-Extreme poverty; destitution

Remnants- A small remaining quantity of something

Righteous- Morally right or justifiable

My last blog ~Rebecca Worsley~

Friday, January 21, 2011

Friar Lawrence and His Brilliant Plans

I think that Friar Lawrence asked Juliet to carry on such a task as giving her a potion to put her in a deep sleep, rather than telling Lady and Lord Capulet about Juliet's secret wedding for a numerous amount of reasons. By Friar Lawrence giving Juliet such a potion, it was the solution to a big problem, and it took a lot of deciding and judging to follow through with. Telling Juliet's parents would be a very bad idea because they would not take so lightly, they would have also claimed that ahe was acting melitioulyand ill willed. They might forbid Juliet from ever seeing Romeo again, which would not only make Juliet upset and distressed but also, but Romeo too. They might have her marry someone even more extravagant than Paris, and state that such plans were not flexable, or they could lock her in her chambers and never let her see the light of day again. I think Frair Lawrence made a very good decision in giving Juliet the sleeping concoction because this saved her from all of these terrible outpour of punishments.

Had she told her parents,she would have been married to Paris, and never allowed to see Romeo again.
"To-morrow night look that thou lie alone; Let not the Nurse lie with thee in thy chamber. Take thou this vial. being then in bed, And this distilled liquor drink thou off; when presently through all thy veins shall run A cold and drowsy humour; for no pulse Shall keep his native progress, but not surcease; no warmth, no breath shall testify thou livest; thy roses in thy lips and cheeks shall fade; to paly ashes, thy eyes' windows fall, like death when he shuts up the day of life;Each part de-priv'd of supple government, shall stiff and stark , and cold appear like death: And in his borrowed likeness of shrunk death, Thou shalt continue two in forty hours, And then awake as from a pleasant sleep." (Shakespeare 234)

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Juliet's Feelings Come Out

To my only confidence,

There is nothing or no one whom I can trust anymore. It seems that there is nothing I can do about my problems. I have no one to turn to, Nurse has helped me very much, but it seems she has decided to move to my parents standpoint. This is very bad for me becuase she was the only shoulder I had to cry on. This is something I would never have predicted to have happened. Of course there is always the help of Friar Lawrence.

You see my dear cousin Tybalt has alway been one to start fights. But I fear this one may have gone too far. He has always wanted to fight a Montague, or a friend of a Montague, so when he saw Mercuitio, Benvolio, and Romeo, he took the chance, he faught Mercuitio to the death. Romeo was so enraged about his friend being dead, that he faught Tybalt to the deaths. Prince Escalus banished Romeo to the streets of Mantua. This, of course, means that I may never see him again. On top of all of this chaios, my parents still don't know that I have married Romeo, (I plan to keep it that way) so they have forced me into marrying Paris. Not only that, but they want me to get married to him on Thursday! I never tought that all of the world's weight would crash down on me all at once.

Of course, now I know that if I tell my father that I do not wish to marry Paris, becuase I have already married Romeo, I would never see the light of day ever again. Now I have no way of knowing where Romeo is so that I can ask him what in the world is going on with the resent events that have occured.  Even if I did find him, anything that he says won't make a difference, he is still going to be banished, and I am still going to have to marry Paris.

Even though I am really only sad about Romeo being banished, I will alway have to side with my family, I mean this is my cousin we are talking about, my own flesh and blood. Alas, there is nothing I can do at this point, Romeo's gone, and now all I have left is Paris.

I predict, that Romeo will be lonely of the sad streets of Mantua, I will have no choice but to marry Paris on Thursday even though it is not my wish. I hope that everything that has recently happened will find some sort of way to straighten itself. Thanks for listening to my problems.

Your dearest companion,

Thursday, January 6, 2011

The Secrets People Keep

   The secret of Romeo and Juliet's wedding was kept by Nurse and Friar Lawrence. This is both a positive and a negative thing. It would be positive thing for Nurse and Friar Lawrence to keep this critical secret because if Romeo and Juliet are truly in true love, then it is likely that nothing will stop them from marrying anyway. If it is something to that is too big that could potentially ruin Romeo's and Juliet's life, it would be too risky to allow them to take such a big step.

   Nurse's job is a pretty big burden; she has to take care of a child. It just so happens that the child she is taking care of is marrying in secret. I fully support Nurse's decision to keep this important secret and help Romeo and Juliet with their true love secret. The only negative thing for Nurse to keep the secret, is that if her masters figured out that she knew about the wedding and didn't tell them, she would be fired.

   The actions the Nurse took to help with the wedding were very risky. She walked all over town looking for Romeo. This was because if Juliet was seen with Romeo, her secret would have been exposed. Nurse finally found Romeo hanging around with his friends, who were hung over from the Capulet party. They treated Nurse very poorly. They pointed swords at her, flipped her dress over, and finally she told them that she had a message from Juliet. This made Romeo banish them from the premises. She told him of the message, and Romeo told Nurse of the place for Juliet to meet him to get married. Someone who would do all of that for someone, is definitely someone to trust.

   Friar Lawrence was thinking that the news of Romeo's and Juliet's marriage would end the family feud between the Capulets and the Montagues. This inspired Friar Lawrence to carry on with the marriage of Romeo and Juliet. The action Friar Lawrence took to keep this secret was very noble because he did not want the secret to get out that he married these two people without their parents' consent. He did this anyway because doing something for someone should be about that person, not about you. Friar Lawrence could have even lost HIS job for Romeo and Juliet. Monks are vowed never to keep or tell secrets that people trust him to keep.

After the deed is done we can all say that Nurse and Friar Lawrence went out of their way to help two lovers with their destiny. Both of their actions took a big risk of losing their jobs, and a little breaking of vows, but it was for a good cause! Romeo and Juliet definitely caused some stress for Nurse and Friar Lawrence, but all in all this made two people happy forever!